Veteran’s Salver

October 14, 2024

The 2024 Veteran’s Salver will be played at Belmont GC. In an effort to increase participation, this year the event is a 4BBB competition.

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Entry for Veteran's Salver

"*" indicates required fields

Please enter player details below. This is a 2-person team event. You can submit 3 teams per form. Submit multiple forms when registering more than 3 teams.

Team 1, Player 1: Walking or Cart?*
Team 1, Player 2: Walking or Cart?*

Team 2, Player 1: Walking or Cart?
Team 2, Player 2: Walking or Cart?

Team 3, Player 1: Walking or Cart?
Team 3, Player 2: Walking or Cart?

Entries are not accepted until payment received.
Payment for this event by Direct Deposit or Bank Transfer/ Deposit.
Please list the Event, your Name and Club as ID on your deposit advice.
Account Name: NHDLGA
BSB: 637000
Acc #: 718687373
$35 per person
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.